Financial planning is about making sure that everything you have – your investments, retirement plan, home equity, insurance, and estate plan – are working together to help you meet your life goals. Knowing that your assets are working in harmony, and ensuring that your family is protected from unforeseen losses, will give you the peace-of-mind to know that your financial future looks bright.
Establishing financial goals and providing a smooth path for realization of those goals is the most fundamental service we provide for our clients. It is critical that we plan and save for the future and we commend and support those who take steps toward these important goals. Our investment principles can guide our clients through a lifetime of investing. We understand that saving for your financial goals takes time and a commitment to a long-term plan.
Dominion Financial Consultants provides comprehensive, objective, and individualized planning services based on each client’s unique financial goals and circumstances.
Our comprehensive planning services involve the following areas:
Investment Advisory
Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Budgeting & Cash Flow
Tax Planning, Preparation & Audits
Risk Management & Insurance Analysis
Education Planning
We provide specific recommendations for our clients and assist in implementation to ensure that financial goals are attained. We also work closely and seamlessly with our clients’ other advisors who may play an important part in the implementation of our financial advice.